E-bay selling is not free:
When you list an item on eBay in the Auction or Buy It Now formats, you are charged:
an Insertion Fee based on the item starting price or reserve price.
Feature Fees, if you select optional features to increase your chances of selling successfully when listing the item
If the item sells, you also pay a Final Value Fee based on the item final selling price.
The total cost of selling the item is the Insertion Fee, the Feature fees (if any) plus the Final Value Fee. Please note that some fees differ for business sellers and for private sellers. Where this is the case, the fees are labelled 'private seller' or 'business seller'.
For example:
If you list an item as an auction with a starting price of £4.99 and select the item subtitle option, you will pay £0.50 to list your item:
Insertion Fee: £0.15
Optional Feature Fee (Item Subtitle): £0.35
Total: £0.50
If you're a private seller, when you sell your item in auction format, you will pay 10% of the item final selling price as the Final Value Fee, up to a maximum Final Value Fee of £50. If the item does not sell, there is no Final Value Fee.
Note: Stated eBay fees include 15% VAT for residents of the EU. This is calculated at the Luxembourg rate of VAT. Find out why. Usually invoices sent to you will quote fees with VAT included.
Source: E-bay help =