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Attacking Line-up for 09/10?
i would like to see rooney and owen in premier league and rooney and berba in champo
rooney and owen up front, berba will need to show some workrate after he was so LAZY last season
rooney behind berba and owen.. hopefully an attacking trio! Take a gamble fergie.
Not entirely sure tbh, I think giving Rooney a go behind Berba and Owen would be a good choice, he has the passing ability and creativity.
my team for the season

O shea ----- vidic ----- rio ----- evra
valencia ----- carrick ----- Anderson ----- nani
----------- Rooney ----- Berba/owen--------
It will be Rooney and Berba up front for most games, with Owen coming on as a sub or playing as a replacement if somebody got injured.
i think that we will have Berbatov and Rooney as the main pairing but I think Owen will play in a fair share of matches and Macheda will be used quite often but not as often as the other 3
defo will be rooney berba with owen on bench would be great to see all 3 on the pitch when needed
Although Macheda has been playing pre-season, that's because Welbeck has been with the England U19s. Fergie said he expects Welbeck to be in the World Cup squad come next May/June, so he obviously has big plans for the youung Salford lad.
I'd say Rooney and Berba at the start with Owen and younger guys when needed according to circumstances and particular match.

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