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United in the News 1 - Berba's Demons
The 1st part of a round up from this morning's Sun newspaper, as United feature quite a bit in there today.
Berba admits he has been haunted by his start at OT (and by blah_united's worries over him, too). He believes that the legends, such as Best, Law and Charlton tower over him and he wants to prove himself to the supporters. He wants to score more goals, too. It is a good read. The basics are:

"In my first year I was disappointed in myself. I need to say that. It was a big pressure for me and maybe I failed myself. I think I wanted to prove myself to these supporters. You must remember, they are used to Best, Charlton, Cantona. I am just Dimitar. I got a number of assists, but I must score more goals. I don't know what I am doing wrong sometimes. Maybe it's luck, maybe it's me... who knows?
At nights I have stayed awake thinking, 'You could have done this instead'. My nerves were too much and that is my responsibility. I will be honest. This criticism did affect me, but not in a negative way. I looked at our ProZone stats and saw that I was ninth in distance covered. I am kind of a nerd. I looked at them too much, maybe. By the end of the season I was fourth. Maybe this season I will be first!

With regard to the fans and their criticisms, he went on to say:
"That is my fault, not theirs. It is me who must change. Manchester United are their club. They have treated me perfectly since I came. I am more pleased with my overall game in this second season already. I feel that I have integrated myself better into the team. I am much stronger, much fitter. But I still wish I could score more.
Talking about the transfer fee, he said:
"Who can live up to that sort of money? Nobody can. If I think about that money it is crazy to me. I can't believe it. I am a footballer playing for the best club in the world. I am playing with legends like Scholes, Giggs and Rooney. Being coached by a man like Sir Alex Ferguson. How can I not be happy?"

For the whole report, go to:

Source: The Sun

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United in the News 1 - Berba's Demons - by Noucamp99 - 02-10-2009, 11:30 AM

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