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Moment Of The Decade
What do you think has been our best and worst moments from 2000 - 2009
champo league when Terry missed
just the peno shootout .full of ups and downs.
FROM ronaldos peno mis to JT's. just brill
4-1 loss to scouse scum has to be the worst and maybe this Leeds scum loss as well

I think that the 4-3 to the bitters could be up there as the best
obviously the moment when Owen scored haha I nearly had a heart attack
and the din dippers many losses this year there all great moments!
must be the champions league final 2008, when john terry missed (talk about FAIL)
but the best bit: VAN DER SAR SAVES IT, UNITED AGAIN!!!!
just awesome
man utd v city 4-3 is also up there
I have to agree that winning the holy grail that is the Champions League trophy, the one that Cantona calls 'The Big Cup' according to the latest biography about him to hit the shelves. Shame such an occasion be settled on penalties, but only if you're a loser like JT.

What a mix of emotions for him, though, as he was in fact, a boyhood United fan!

Another (personal) moment was the trip to OT for Ole's testimonial. To be a part of a celebration for one of our heroes was amazing. Add to that the fact that I went up with Ronaldinosa and his son for their first visit ever to the Theatre of Dreams. Amazing! Ronaldinosa even got interviewed by Norwegian TV round by the players' entrance. A sterling effort, if ever I've seen one!
Where to begin, there have been loads of up's like Moscow, the 4-3 derby match, 0'Shea at Anfield, 6-1 against Arsenal, Benitez being appointed Liverpool manger. I would have to go for re-gaining OUR league title in 06/07 after 3 years of people saying we were finished.

Thankfully there were less down's but 4-1 at home to Liverpool, Barca last season, Leeds, but it would have to be losing to Leverkusen in the Champions League Semi's (a bit random i know),but the title was there for the taking that season i know madrid where good but Utd could have taken them as we showed at Old Trafford.

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