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Liverpool Chants
sorry people for ruining it but i hate when people sing about dead people or when liverpool fans were slaging saying baby shreak etc. its not fare!

sorry but i dont agree with it maybe its just football .

but if a scouser sed sumfin id sing it then maybe
(03-12-2009, 04:10 PM)Donlerz Wrote: sorry people for ruining it but i hate when people sing about dead people or when liverpool fans were slaging saying baby shreak etc. its not fare!

sorry but i dont agree with it maybe its just football .

but if a scouser sed sumfin id sing it then maybe

but scousers are saying it all the time
and another festive chant sung to band aid.

Feed the scousers,
Let them know it's Christmas time

ha ha its great to mock liverpudlians
i found this chant on a website and i think it pretty much sums up what donlerz was saying

There's a place we know where Scousers go,
and it's always lots of fun,
you can have a laugh at many things,
if you're ready with a pun...

You can mock the dead of Munich,
be glad that George Best's dead,
you can sing a dozen funny songs,
of Duncan Edward's head...

You can hope that Gary Neville,
gets cancer and he dies,
throw ammonia at Whiteside,
and hope it blinds his eyes,

You can even stone an ambulance,
where Alan Smith is lying
even if it doesn't overturn,
it's bound to be fun trying,

You can talk of many pleasant things,
with your like-minded mates,
but you'll pause to show such reverence,
as you pass the Shankly Gates,

Where every single Scouser,
who ever passed away,
must be honoured and respected,
have their own special day,

Cos Scousers are a special breed,
their hearts upon their sleeve,
they ask the country to join in,
and watch them as they grieve,

They celebrate and they respect,
each Scouser who departs,
they ask that we can shed their tears,
and nurse their broken hearts,

Yet mention dead of anyone,
who doesn't fit their own,
they laugh out loud there is no shred,
of honour ever shown,

They laugh at young men dying,
on runways filled with ice,
and celebrate that Munich day,
and never would think twice,

of mocking Harold Shipman's dead,
that lived within our city,
these wallowers in plastic grief,
the masters of self pity,

They wave their tin foil silverware,
and throw cups filled with sh!t,
to shower on opposing fans,
but never will admit,

the murder of their very own,
their much loved Stanley knives,
the night they killed Juventus fans,
a tragic waste of lives,

It's "justice for the 96",
but never 39,
It's grieving for 'poor' Michael Shields,
but not for Heysel dying,

It's always everybody else,
they're not the ones to blame,
it was Chelsea, Yorkshire coppers,
it's always been the same,

We've all shed tears as 96,
lay dying on the floor,
but our sympathy has long since died,
we'll grieve with you no more...

Our sympathy has long since died,
we'll grieve with you no more.

people dying is never something to be joked about no matter what team they support
That song is just sick imo thats why i wont lower myself to the same level ,Take the piss out of the scousers for all its worth but singing about dead or dying is just wrong . and noboddy hates the scousers more than me.
in your liverpool slums in your liverpool slums you go to the dustbin for somethink to eat you found a dead rat and you think it a treat in your liverpool slums
you put your transfer in your transfer out in out in out shake it all about u do the stven all gerrard and u turn around that what it all about woah scouse bastard woah scouse bastard woah scouse bastard in out in out shake it all about
Not sure if it should go here or not.....perhaps to be sung to Tim Howard.
I came up with this when bored of hearing Torres song over and over....hope you Man Utd boys like?

(To the tune of the Torres song)

I fucking swear all the cunting time, tourettes, tourettes,
You'd fucking think I'd committed a crime, tourettes, tourettes,
Piss, shit, bastard, you all stare,
Wank, ass, cock, it drives me spare,
Fucking tourettes, swearing all the time!

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