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Cod Or Fifa Night
Was just thinking we should have a boys night (Games night) and have a fifa tournament or a few games of cod for a bit a fun seeing we all get on well here ehh.
what do ye think mayb some weekend coming up or somthing?
If anything, I would prefer FIFA. That way, I could join in, but still get to do stuff at home, as I would likely get knocked out in the first round, lol!
Not sure when to fit it in if you're talking about a weekend, though, cos we have training on Friday nights and we play on Sunday mornings, meaning that the rest of the weekend is normally devoted to football (United, of course) and things to do around the house.

We'll have to see what the rest of the boys (and girls?) come up with.
Yeh but if we picked Cod no one would be knocked ou just a few free for alls or team death matchs..... Don't worry I suck at it tooo bigg time u prob kick my ass lol! Yeh see what the rest of the boys or girls think.don't think there is an active woman on here but would be loved to be proven wrong Smile
Yupp you have one don't ya?
i have a 360 mate damn it!
Well, if or when it breaks (sorry if you think I'm a jinx) you can use the insurance money to buy a PS3. I'm kidding! I hope you have a long relationship with your 360.
think im gonna buy one! just for the sole purpose of beating u lot at cod lol!
That would be easy as far as I am concerned, cos I'm rubbish at it. What about FIFA, though? Could you beat us at that?
ID GIVE IT A GO! lol ill look into the pricing of thse ps3 contraptions and see what i can find!

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