Fellow members,
I am sorry to announce that I am stepping down as administrator due to work and school. Steve and I came to the conclusion that it will be best that I will step down and that Steve will look for a new admin that can be more active on game days, etc. I will still try to be around now and than but I won't do anything big unless Steve needs me for something like theme tweaks or new features.
I wish you all a merry Christmas and enjoy the theme
Your ex-administrator,
Bob Jansen
I am sorry to announce that I am stepping down as administrator due to work and school. Steve and I came to the conclusion that it will be best that I will step down and that Steve will look for a new admin that can be more active on game days, etc. I will still try to be around now and than but I won't do anything big unless Steve needs me for something like theme tweaks or new features.
I wish you all a merry Christmas and enjoy the theme

Your ex-administrator,
Bob Jansen